Ancient : PUBG Steam (30 Day)

    • A premium product for the game PUBG Steam from the Ancient group.


      Supported Processors: Intel & AMD (doesnt work on laptop)

      Supported OS: Windows 10 & 11 Pro & Home

      Supported Graphic Card: Nvidia & AMD (1000 series+)

      • Additional information:
      • Support Game Mode: Any
      • Support StreamProof: Yes
      • Support Game Client: Steam
      • Hardware Required: -
      • In-built/free Spoofer: -


      — Visual

      1. Players 
      2. Draw Distances (slider)
      3. ESP Box (visible and invisible colors)
      4. ESP Skeleton (visible and invisible colors)
      5. ESP Distance: color
      6. ESP Nick: color
      7. ESP Spectator Count
      8. ESP Health
      9. ESP Knocked
      10. ESP Team
      11. ESP Kills
      12. ESP Spectator
      13. Show PUBG Partner
      14. Show Bots

      — Aim

      1. AimBot Type (Static, Curved)
      2. Aim Keys (aimkey 1 and aimkey 2)
      3. FOV
      4. Smooth
      5. Draw FOV : Color
      6. Target
      7. Force Key
      8. Only Visible
      9. Lock Target
      10. Lock Knocked
      11. RCS
      12. Prediction

      — Loot

      1. AirDrop: color
      2. Corpse: color
      3. Vehicle: color
      4. Weapons: color
      5. Melee Weapons: color
      6. Attachments: color
      7. Ammo: color
      8. Bomb: color
      9. Armor: color
      10. Helmet: color
      11. Backpack: color
      12. Heal: color
      13. Boosts: color

      — Loot List

      1. Save CFG (for items only)
      2. Load CFG (for items only)
      3. Category Filter(You can choice weapons and other loot)
      4. Distance (you can adjust rendering distance for each category separately)

      — Radar

      1. Enable MiniMap Radar

      — Settings

      1. Configs
      2. Save settings
      3. Load settings
      4. Delete settings
      5. FPS Settings
      6. Show Fps
      7. Fps Locker (slider)
      • ** The features may change, either added or removed, depending on game updates.

        ** If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us here


    Rp 626.250
    Current Status:
    Undetect (Safe to use)

    Produk Serupa


    Fecurity : PUBG (30 Day)

    IDR 353.250 / USD $22.00 • Stok


    Haval : PUBG (30 Day)

    IDR 506.000 / USD $31.52 • Stok


    Haval : PUBG (1 Day)

    IDR 63.750 / USD $3.97 • Stok


    Phoenix : PUBG Steam ESP (1 Day)

    IDR 33.000 / USD $2.06 • Stok


    Crooked Arm's : PUBG Steam (1 Day)

    IDR 109.750 / USD $6.84 • Stok


    Lexy : PUBG Full (7 Day)

    IDR 851.250 / USD $52.50 • Stok