Mason : War Thunder (30 Day)

    • A premium product for the game War Thunder from the Mason group.


      Supported Processors: Intel & AMD

      Supported OS: Windows 10 & 11

      Supported Graphic Card: Nvidia & AMD

      • Additional information:
      • Support Game Mode: Any
      • Support StreamProof: Yes
      • Support Game Client: Steam & Official Launcher
      • Hardware Required: -
      • In-built/free Spoofer: -


      — Aim

      1. Enabled / Enable Aimbot
      2. Aim key / Set a key for the aimbot to work
      3. Aim smooth / Set the aimbot's hover speed
      4. Aim radius / Set the working radius of the aimbot
      5. Aim step / Adjusting the aimbot shake

      — Visual

      1. Enabled / Enable ESP
      2. Show radar / Display radar
      3. Show units information / Display information about units (example)
      4. Show dormant units / Display the latest received information about the vehicle's position, regardless of the distance to it (works only in airplane modes)
      5. Bounding box / Display a square (box) on the opponent
      6. Show plane speed / Display airplane speed (enabled by default)
      7. Show vehicle name / Display the name of the vehicle
      8. Show vehicle direction / Display the direction of movement of vehicles
      9. Show missiles
      10. Show bombs
      11. Show bases / Display enemy bases and airfields
      12. Show ground units / Display ground vehicles
      13. Show air units / Display aerial vehicles
      14. Show bot units / Display bots
      15. Show player name / Display player nicknames
      16. Prediction marker / Enable a preemption point (planes, tanks, etc.)
      17. Prediction spot (tower, hull, etc.)
      18. Switch spot key / Set a key to switch the target.
      19. Ignore spotted units / Ignore detected players
      20. Ignore team / Ignore team (if the feature is disabled, teammates will be marked "green"
      21. Show bomb sight
      22. Sight trigger distance / Set the firing distance of the bomb sight
      23. Reload indicator / Display the cooldown of enemies
      24. Visibility indicator / Display the "eyes" icon next to the enemy when the target is in sight
      25. Air missile warning / Display an aerial missile warning
      26. Show distance / Display the distance to the enemy
      27. Display distance / Set the display distance of players
    • — Misc

      1. Hud rocket indicator / Enable rocket firing indicator
      2. Enable untrusted features / Enable the full functionality of the "misc" tab / increases the risk of getting blocked, use at your own risk
      3. Arcade steering mode / Allows you to use arcade controls in the simulation mode of the game (on planes and helicopters)
      4. Show ballistic crosshair / Display the crosshair where the projectile arrives (tanks only)
      5. Unlimited ballistic cross Removes the limit on the range of the arcade (ballistic) sight, allowing you to adjust shots at even greater distances
      6. Hud aim prediction / Enable the game's own engine prediction
      7. Hud ship indicator / Enable ship display indicator
      8. Gunner cam from sight / Enable hiding the gunner's camera
      9. Vehicle outline on aim / Display the outline around vehicles that are in the scope
      10. Zoom fov limit / Allows you to set your own limit value for approaching in the scope, allowing you to adjust shots at long distances
      11. SB thirdperson / Allows you to activate the third person in simulated battles (the function only works when you are in the air. When used simultaneously with the "arcade steering mode" function, the control becomes almost like in arcade battles)

      — Config

      1. Save cpu / Save CPU resources
      2. Move info key / Set the move key of the window with information about units
      3. Move radar key
      4. Load config from clipboard
      5. Save config to clipboard / Save selected settings to clipboard

        — Settings

        1. Menu language selection (available languages: English / Chinese)
        2. Save cpu / Save CPU resources
        3. Radar size / Set the size of the radar
        4. Radar radius / Set the radar radius
      • ** The features may change, either added or removed, depending on game updates.

        ** If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us here


Rp 836.000
Current Status:
Undetect (Safe to use)

Produk Serupa


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